The post PID-Based Bioreactor Control for Ethanol Production [technical] first appeared on the ISA Interchange blog site.
This post is an excerpt from the journal ISA Transactions. All ISA Transactions articles are free to ISA members, or can be purchased from Elsevier Press.
Abstract: This article presents the development of inferential control scheme based on adaptive linear neural network (ADALINE) soft sensor for the control of fermentation process. The ethanol concentration of bioreactor is estimated from temperature profile of the process using soft sensor. The prediction accuracy of ADALINE is enhanced by retraining it with immediate past measurements. The ADALINE and retrained ADALINE are used along with PID and 2-DOF-PID leading to APID, A2PID, RAPID and RA2PID inferential controllers. Further the parameters of 2-DOF-PID are optimized using non-dominated sorted genetic algorithm-II and used with retrained ADALINE soft sensor which leads to RAN2PID inferential controller. Simulation results demonstrate that performance of proposed RAN2PID controller is better in comparison to other designed controllers in terms of qualitative and quantitative performance indices.
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