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ISA Sarnia Section – President’s Message

May / June 2024

Hello and Welcome…

Welcome to our Annual General Meeting on May 27th.  It is exciting to be back on the Duc d’Orleans and we look forward to having this event again.

Overall it has been another good year for our section.

We have successfully brought back the Lambton College Students to our section.  There have been some changes within ISA and the students have now become direct members of our section.  This opens up opportunities to see other colleges and universities in our section’s area added to our membership.

We moved our dinner meetings from the SGCC to Wagg’s with great success.  The meetings have been well attended and the food is excellent.  A big thank you to Wagg’s for being so accommodating for our meetings.

We had another great table top show and are now back on track for alternating years.  We look forward to the next one in 2025.  Thanks to everyone involved for making it so successful even though it was back to back years.  We are hoping to add a little competition to the next one if it works out with Lambton College.  Stay tuned.

We also have the golf tournament coming up which is always a great time.

I was also able to attend District Leadership Conference in Montreal last year and it helped to put some perspective on our section.  All sections are finding it difficult to engage their membership.  During the conference it was somewhat jokingly stated that the biggest way to get more engagement is through peer pressure.  This is not far off the mark, I believe the most effective way to keep our membership growing is through our own members sharing and bringing others to see what it is about and possibly join.  As always we encourage everyone to bring a friend or colleague to our meetings.

I would like to thank all the Sarnia Section Executive for all their great work over my term as president.  I have enjoyed working with everyone and I’m happy to see some new members joining the executive.
Best Regards,
Dave Woodill
 President – ISA Sarnia Section
 Phone:  519 344 6868  x.234